The Pakistani government put Shafqat on the newly created list of “terrorists” to be executed to show it was getting tough following the Peshawar school attack last year. Not only is he not a “terrorist,” his confession was extracted through torture when he was 14. He has already spent a decade in prison as a result of a questionable investigation and a flawed conviction.
I came across this in January and signed the petition to stay his execution, which apparently succeeded. An inquiry was to be launched to scrutinize the investigation. Apparently things have gone sideways with the inquiry and the government is once again eager to kill him despite the failure of a proper inquiry.
Makes me think that someone with influence (or someone close to such a person) is responsible for the murder that he was convicted of, and they want the related proceedings to be wrapped up quickly, which will happen if he is executed.
If you’d like to help stop Shafqat’s execution, go here:
… and enter your name and email address in order to send a letter to Pakistan President Mamnoon Hussain. This worked last time, hopefully it will this time as well.
Hey guys, Ramadan is coming up in less than a month (roughly 3 weeks from now, no exact date yet) and I just wanted to make sure that some people were aware. Muslims around the globe are gonna be fasting along with other practices for a full month, so please be considerate by…
Project leader Dr Sharath Sriram, co-leader of the RMIT Functional Materials and Microsystems Research Group, said the ground-breaking development imitates the way the brain uses long-term memory.
“This is the closest we have come to creating a brain-like system with memory that learns and stores analog information and is quick at retrieving this stored information,” Dr Sharath said.
“The human brain is an extremely complex analog computer… its evolution is based on its previous experiences, and up until now this functionality has not been able to be adequately reproduced with digital technology.”
The ability to create highly dense and ultra-fast analog memory cells paves the way for imitating highly sophisticated biological neural networks, he said.
Barrels of ink have been spilled ripping apart Hersh’s character, while barely any follow-up reporting has been done to corroborate or refute his claims—even though there’s no doubt that the Obama administration has repeatedly misinformed and misled the public about the incident. Even less attention has been paid to the little follow-up reporting that we did get, which revealed that the CIA likely lied about its role in finding bin Laden, which it used to justify torture to the public.
Hersh has attempted to force the media to ask questions about its role in covering a world-shaping event—but it’s clear the media has trouble asking such questions if the answers are not the ones they want to hear.