Financial insiders contemplate “imminent” 2018 US stock market crash of up to “50%”


The document by a senior US economist and former Houblon-Norman Fellow at the Bank of England is published on the website of the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation (CSFI), which runs around 100 roundtable events a year involving financial services insiders from the UK and beyond.

The document forecasts that in 2018, US stock prices are likely to plummet by as much as “forty to fifty percent” — compared to the less than five percent plunge in early February. The document was published weeks before the recent stock market volatility.

Related reporting by the author:

Brace for the oil, food and financial crash of 2018

Inside the new economic science of capitalism’s slow-burn energy collapse

Financial insiders contemplate “imminent” 2018 US stock market crash of up to “50%”

A fallen black soldier being disrespected? That’s not an aberration in America | Ameer Hasan Loggins | Opinion | The Guardian


According to a 2017 study published by military advocacy group Protect Our Defenders, found “significant racial disparity in the military justice system.”

Black members of the military are, “substantially more likely” than their white counterparts to be punished in four out of the five branches of the US armed forces.

The report also found that black military service members were as much as 2.61 times more likely than their white peers to face court-martial or non-judicial punishment in an average year…

A fallen black soldier being disrespected? That’s not an aberration in America | Ameer Hasan Loggins | Opinion | The Guardian

Veterans’ Day Special: An Afghan War Casualty Looks Back and Wonders Why – Foreign Policy


As long as the burden of warfare is borne by a small portion of our citizenry we will be susceptible to fighting unnecessary wars. As long as our civilians feel that their only duty toward a war is to say, “Thank you for your service” and not to critically analyze the merits of that war, we will be susceptible to fighting unnecessary wars. As long as our military views itself as separate from, and better than the rest of our society, it will be willing to fight unnecessary wars.

Veterans’ Day Special: An Afghan War Casualty Looks Back and Wonders Why – Foreign Policy