Muslim Clerk At Paris Kosher Store Saved Jewish Lives | The Daily Caller


Lassana Bathily, described by Le Parisien as a “Malian Muslim,” helped the shoppers to safety amid the chaos of jihadist Ahmed Coulibaly entering the store and taking hostages while police closed in. Able to contact their families and local authorities with cell phones, they stayed safe in the freezing cold for five hours…

Muslim Clerk At Paris Kosher Store Saved Jewish Lives | The Daily Caller

How exactly would we like Muslims to condemn these attacks?


… Maybe the murderers are confused by the British government’s attitude towards crazy Islamic gunmen, which has appeared inconsistent.
Not long ago President Assad of Syria, whose record for madness and violence is exemplary, was invited by the Prime Minister to stay at Buckingham Palace. And the rulers of Saudi Arabia, who recently got through 19 executions in one month, are sold billions of pounds worth of weapons. So maybe the gunmen’s strategy was to prove how mental they were, thinking they’d then be invited for biscuits with The Queen, and then be asked to do a deal for a tank.

How exactly would we like Muslims to condemn these attacks?

Torture of Saudi blogger sentenced to 10 years and 1,000 lashes begins


Raif Badawi was sentenced to 10 years in prison, 1,000 lashes and a fine of 1 million Saudi Arabian riyals (about US$266,600) last year for creating an online forum for public debate and accusations that he insulted Islam. According to information obtained by Amnesty International, Raif Badawi will receive up to 50 lashes tomorrow, while the rest of the full sentence of 1,000 lashes will be carried out over a period of 20 weeks.

Torture of Saudi blogger sentenced to 10 years and 1,000 lashes begins

Environmental Activist Who FBI Entrapped & Charged with ‘Eco-Terrorism’ is Released Over Withheld Evidence | The Dissenter


In the FBI’s rule book: entrapment, withholding evidence, making a defendant lie in court in return for a milder charge/sentence. “Anna” in the following excerpt is the informant who carried out the entrapment.

When “Anna” met McDavid, he was a 24-year-old college student. He left his home in northern California to backpack across the country and attend various conferences and protests. There was nothing “Anna” found to be threatening about him. The two even developed a “physical relationship” with each other. But, since McDavid and friends he was living with, who would be charged as “co-conspirators,” fit the profile of individuals the FBI wanted “Anna” to target, she kept after them.

“Anna relentlessly pressured McDavid and his friends to plan ‘an action,’ literally herding them together for this purpose,” his lawyers maintain. “She implanted ideas, hounded them, and plied them with money, food, and shelter. When the group showed a lack of enthusiasm for her schemes, she would hound them to stay focused, and pout, sulk, belittle and berate them, calling them names like ‘dilly-dallyers.’” And the “FBI’s behavioral analysis unit trained her to make Eric ‘wait’ until ‘after the mission,’ before she would consummate their love in reward for his faithfulness to her plan.”

Environmental Activist Who FBI Entrapped & Charged with ‘Eco-Terrorism’ is Released Over Withheld Evidence | The Dissenter