Chaos Cinema Part 1 from Matthias Stork on Vimeo.

The video essay Chaos Cinema, administered by Indiewire’s journalistic blog PRESS PLAY, examines the extreme aesthetic principles of 21st century action films. These films operate on techniques that, while derived from classical cinema, threaten to shatter the established continuity formula. Chaos reigns in image and sound. Part 1 contrasts traditional action films with chaotic ones and takes a close look at the “sound” track, especially its use in car chases.

The video essay was widely debated on the internet and featured in newspaper publications such as THE WEEK and THE NEW YORK TIMES.

“Chaos Cinema Part 1” was made according to principles of Fair Use (or Fair Dealing), primarily with scholarly and critical aims, and was published under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.

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