
PLEASE, PLEASE signal boost this. This is something that concerns any person who has a regard for women’s health, and their right to choose. This concerns any person who believes that a women should have a right to decide about their own body.

This is what Republicans have done to act against a woman’s right to an abortion through state laws passed. ALL of these are Republican-controlled states elected back in 2012. This is what has happened in less than a year:

(Reminder that ALL of these clinics provided other women’s care and reproductive needs aside from abortions. They were not solely abortion clinics)

  • Texas: 42 clinics open prior to anti-abortion bill, 5 clinics open after bill (37 closed)
  • Wisconsin: 4 clinics open prior to anti-abortion bill, 2 clinics open after (2 closed)
  • Mississippi: 1 clinic open prior to bill, none available after bill (no clinics left in state)
  • North Dakota: 1 clinic open prior to bill, none available after bill (no clinics left in state)
  • Alabama: 5 clinics open prior to bill, 2 clinics open after bill (3 clinics closed)
  • Virginia: 20 clinics open prior to bill, 4 clinics left after bill (16 clinics closed)
  • Ohio: 12 clinics open prior to bill, 8 clinics left after bill (4 clinics closed)
  • North Carolina: 16 clinics open prior to a MOTERCYCLE SAFETY BILL (BIG WTF?!), 15 of those clinics are in danger of being closed, with only one left standing

American women right across the States in Republican-controlled states are increasingly being denied their constitutional right to an abortion, not to mention their own health care needs and reproductive needs.

Each closure represents taking away a women’s ability to choose for HERSELF about her reproductive rights. ALL of these closures happened in Republican-controlled states, passed by a Republican-controlled House.

There are now TWO states in the US where women there have no access to a safe and legal abortion. And in all of those states above, there will be hundreds of thousands, if not millions of women who will be forced to travel hundreds of miles to get access to a safe and legal abortion.

That isn’t even mentioning the needs of these women to have access to reproductive medical aid. This happened in just ONE year. Imagine what else Republicans can do to further restrict a women’s constitutionally protected right to an abortion in another year. NONE of these bills helped women’s health. NONE of these bills did anything to actually improve women’s standards of care. ALL of these bills restricted a women’s right to an abortion. ALL of these bills will now force desperate women to potentially get a back-alley abortion, putting their lives at risk.

This is horrific.

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