AbolishICE – dMaculate.melange https://melange.dmaculate.me/home this, that, and the other Fri, 28 Jul 2023 20:20:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://melange.dmaculate.me/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/02/dm-red.png AbolishICE – dMaculate.melange https://melange.dmaculate.me/home 32 32 222022991 Meet the Activists Behind the Movement to Abolish ICE https://melange.dmaculate.me/home/2018/08/02/meet-the-activists-behind-the-movement-to-abolish-ice/ https://melange.dmaculate.me/home/2018/08/02/meet-the-activists-behind-the-movement-to-abolish-ice/#respond Fri, 03 Aug 2018 03:04:53 +0000 http://melange.dmaculate.me/2018/08/02/meet-the-activists-behind-the-movement-to-abolish-ice/ Continue reading ]]> https://theslot.jezebel.com/what-the-movement-to-abolish-ice-looks-like-on-the-grou-1827825182

Judging by the coverage, it looks as though the idea to abolish ICE sprang out of the head of some aide to Kirsten Gillibrand, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or Cynthia Nixon, all of whom have spoken out about the need to dismantle the agency.

Curiously, less attention has been paid to the immigrant rights activists who fought the creation of ICE when it was proposed in 2002 and have challenged the agency, calling for it—and its founding mission—to be defunded. These are the same people doing the work today, and yet their voices are absent from much of what has been published in the past few weeks. (One excellent exception is this piece from The Nation, which features thoughtful commentary by organizers from groups like Detention Watch Network, Project South, and Mijente.)

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